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  • Writer's pictureDesiree

25 Days of Dansique Fitness

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Hello my beauties! Make Fitness and Self Love a priority during the holiday season! Follow my workout calendar that I created for you for 25 days and take the guess work out of your exercise routine. Each day consists of a workout or two ranging from 20-45 minutes total. Especially now, during this hectic and stressful time of year, it’s important to take time each and every day to do something wonderful for your mind and body. After all, exercising is the best medicine for stress, anxiety, and depression. And just so you know, I too have those days where I just don’t feel like doing it...but trust me, if you push yourself and just get it done, you’ll be sooo glad that you did and you’ll feel so much better! It’s always worth it, ALWAYS!

Below is your workout calendar and as always I’ve created a playlist on YouTube for your convenience. Just go straight down the list in order, however take a screenshot of the calendar or revert back to it since some days you’ll be required to do 2 workouts! On the calendar below, I also included the exact length of each video so you can plan your days and know how much time you need to set aside for yourself each day. Excuses like, "I don't have any time" are NOT allowed! When you plan and prioritize you can ALWAYS make the time to accomplish those things that are important to you!

Don’t forget, if you have Instagram post a pic or video clip each day and tag me @dansiquefitness and use hashtag #25daysofdansiquefitness so I can check up on you and possibly feature you on my page!

Warm wishes to you all for a joyous and blessed holiday season! xoxo ~ Desiree

25 Days of Dansique Fitness

Holiday Challenge

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